A Simple Complexity

4 min readMar 28, 2020


Discovery! Invention! These words instantly bring to our mind images of “Einstein”, “Da Vinci”, “Arya Bhatt” & the rest of the pack.

But what was the ‘X’ Factor in them which the men of our times lack? What was it that made them exceptionally great? Celebrities of Art & Science!

After scratching my head it hit that these “Great Personalities” as they universally are christened were actually quite “Velle” (Hindi term describing a person as jobless, like really chilled out). They were new to this world & so the world to them. They were in awe of everything they came across. They had ample of time to wonder, ponder on the manifestation & mechanism of the “Existence”. No deadlines, No work pressure, No rigid education system. There was a childlike curiosity to explore — the “questions marks”. No sort of examination. Just wonder & imagination. They toyed with the globe to pass there time. No gain just satisfaction. No distractions, temptations unlike us who buzz around everything & howl with other wolves without thinking. Today, we die competing like insects for survival. Man today is just a chaser holding a compass pointing nowhere. Who can afford to be a musician, painter, poet, sculptor, saint mastering all the fields in one lifetime? We who don’t have an hour to think about ourselves, a “Fallen Apple” does not stand a chance. We have forgotten our “Inner Self” which is in thirst of something beyond.

Archimedes was in a tub relaxing when he shouted “Eureka”, Newton was resting under a tree when the apple fell… does this ring a bell? Peace & Poise is our need which we are deprived of. We are running in a “Marathon of thoughts” in which our life stands last. Our mind needs to be empty so, that it can be filled with “that” we really want to perceive. To conceive something we ought to plunge into ourselves, enjoy & be in absolute sync with the very moment.

“Greatest of discoveries were made accidentally”. No! Greatest of Discoveries were made when the mind was tuned to lead them to it. They were conditioned for it. Struggle & Force were absent, where the questions just hung in the consciousness with a loose string, already existing & when ready, they got it. Creativity exhibited by humans called “designers” is existing in nature already. The entire universe is within us. It is just our actions and thoughts getting reflected at various points of time, revealing itself. The only block we face is “Ourselves”. We have let us be so materialistically bound, the so called “modernization” is binding us to the conformities of society with no scope of deviance. No progress!

If we see our ancient past.. the core origin of civilizations, we find that the lifestyle however was simple but there lived knowledge in a wise sense. One of the renowned examples are the “Vedas”. The words “Sudarshan Chakra”, “Bhramastra” etc keeps nudging many, for how could a man of that time have a detailed narration of these. “The only fantasy existing is to fantasize that all which is unseen is a fantasy/magic ”. The only myth is that we are “advancing”. Previously, the technology was subtle and elevated however, today we see the gross, destructive form of it. The man made power today instead of liberating the world is doing the opposite as, the intention is again competition & desire. More than what exists now has been there in the past, difference being that the minds were purer & regulated back then. They perceived this knowledge because of their mental state. The well known Mathematician “Ramanujan” received the answers of the equations & many such saints from the past. They saw it as it is. If the “infinite” has been existing since the birth of time than how is it logically possible to not have something we have today & vice-versa. It has all been there. It is just that our “Subtle Self” needs maintenance.

The “Real” is covered with a thick blanket. Uncountable planes-dimensions awaits us. It will be our foolishness to think of these personalities to be extraordinary. Their mental stability, purity & total surrender to receptivity set the ball rolling. Nothing can be achieved until we are ready for it. So, sit back, breathe & relax. “Aspire not desire”. Meditate. Experience which seems impossible happening. Next time you win a “Noble Prize”, secretly chuckle to yourself knowing that anyone could have won this.




Written by Simran

Professional Designer, “Heartfulness Meditation” Practitioner, Interested to help & serve.

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