The Subtle Line

7 min readApr 30, 2020


Society today is ripe with intellectuals, ideologists, influencers and the masses who keeping swaying from one lofty ideal to another. In a world full of complex issues all of us jostle to define one right from another wrong, trying to define the human nature and its myriad dimensions, trying to fit into one box made to measure the same for all.

The subtle concepts of human nature that is, empathy, righteousness, equality, secularism, religion, humbleness, superior-inferior, justice, feminism, freedom, ethics, choice have alas fallen prey to this same folly wherein scholars and students have both run amok misinterpreting, manipulating and applying it without understanding its true meaning. This has been going on for ages. Being opinionated is celebrated but are we really clear on what we stand for? When did opinions start projecting itself as the sole truth and the bearer become deaf to all else? Did we forget the meaning of listening and not just imposing? Amidst all this clamour and unclear ideas the real truth and facts lie in grave danger of being truly lost.

To sense the reality and its truth one must consciously step out of the domains of being aggressive, egotistical, dogmatic, emotional, rigid, attached, prejudiced and ignorant — all the indicators of the frailty of human nature. Instead of trying to prove ones point the goal should be to seek the truth and to know the absolute reality. Application of the man-made theories and ideologies are only self-serving. One should approach the truth with a clear mind and trusting heart.

Right and wrong are the two poles, yet all it takes to cross from one extreme to another is a fine line and that is what makes all the difference. The stress on not sticking to any one theory or ideology was so emphasized because no single theory or ideology or conclusion can ever be the answer for more than one situation. Every problem has a unique solution, every situation a unique standpoint and herein comes the famous “Law of Relativity”. Ideologies and the rest bend and morph according to changing situations because it’s all relative. Hence it is futile to see everything only from one viewpoint and stick with it due to our own weaknesses. Nothing is ever static. The conditions and issues change constantly, even with each passing second perhaps. How can one rule apply to all? And then there our ever pervasive thoughts and its resulting actions which have been the most complex riddle posed to mankind since time immemorial. How do we solve this puzzle? How do we grapple with the subtleties of our thoughts and actions? There is yet again a fine line and it is this “subtle line” that one needs to catch. There can never be a general rule, permanent law or value as it is all dynamic.

Therefore, in this ruthless and shape-shifting situations posed, one can only sieve out the truth with some alchemy surely? And this hidden power is our mind. One’s mind which trained to think analytically and contemplatively is the alchemy we lack. We need to first witness and absorb everything surrounding us, loosen your shackles of any predisposed ideas, thoughts, desires and feelings. Accept that there may be possibility of multiple perspectives and outcomes for the given situation but there can only be one solution for that particular situation & this same formula may be inapplicable to the next situation however alike it may seem to be.

‘Mahabharat’, the great Indian epic is a repository of tales, characters and incidents that lend themselves as great examples for many situations. It consists a bevy of principles that the story narrates via its characters: the duty of a child to do everything possible for the happiness of their parent; the unbreakable nature of an oath taken; the rights and limitations that come with one’s station; the nature of relationship between the elder and the younger — one of respect and unquestionable obedience; the importance of truth; the meaning of loyalty; the stringent code of conduct that is grounded in ethics and morality; notions of ‘self-esteem’ and ‘honour’ that needs be protected at all costs.

All these principles are underlined by the greatest of them all that of ‘Dharma’ — self-righteousness and self-duty. This basic principle has been taught to mankind since the beginning of time. The irony of the epic lies in these very principles of dharma. Each of the characters follow dharma according to their understanding and yet this leads to the eventual downfall of all.

Why was it so, when so many principles were laid down in rock yet why it did result in catastrophe? The epic is so multifaceted and multi-perspective that it has intrigued one generation from another and is studied, written about and researched on since ages.

This classic example is taken to prove once more that any principle when compounded my many is likely to lose its true meaning. Is it so simple and straightforward? What is the subtle line that is so evasive?

Is the present generation any different from those in the past? The only difference lies in the issues and ideologies. We are all unconsciously striving to achieve that neutrality and develop a sense of discrimination between the dualities and that which prevails. To accomplish this, we need to get rid of our inner complexities, fight our self-constructed barriers which we ourselves remain unaware of.

Therein lies our answer: It is the intent and the backing of pure thoughts, which makes an action superior to everything. Fact is no action in the world can be held accountable to any philosophy, theory, logic or principle. Actions are purely intent driven. No theory, logic, equation can solve all answers of the world, certain mysteries will remain mysteries and it is wise to let such matters be. A question has many answers, each more puzzling than the next, it will not serve us to go chasing all over the universe. What is in front of us is that what matters and when confused you know the right answer is always driven by the heart.

What then is the guiding principle for us to wade through all the complexities and to emerge the wiser? No rule, logic, theory, principle, ethic, ideology, sentiment or law can surpass it whether “man-made” or “divine”. It very simply falls back on the good old cliché that says ‘follow your heart’ a truth that has much been ignored. The “Heart” is the only instrument which can guide us truly, the only answer which is “unquestionable” even by the almighty himself. Heart is the only ‘Dharma’ ever existing. Sync in your mind with your heart and then wait listen… Now comes the most crucial part, the heart is sending out signals and now is when you catch it and realize the truth. That’s not all, once the truth is revealed summon up the courage to follow it, the result is exhilarating leaving us awestruck at the simplicity yet incredibility of the heart. Believe it because it is the only authentic machine given to humans which has the force capable of hitting the nail.

Following the inner self is the solution but it is not as easy as made out to be. People claim it is an easy task but again that is the folly of speaking from half-baked knowledge.

Then how does one follow the heart? Meditation is one method for this. Meditation which again is a popular word yet used loosely and misunderstood. So what is it? Meditation is a tool to reach the inner self, but that is half the solution, we need to remember that it is just a tool. The other half of the solution is us. It is we who need to put our entire effort and work towards what we ought to be. Constant work, reminding and pushing ourselves towards evolution with a willing attitude is the key. Granted in the beginning all will seem abstract, frustrating and the process is tiring but then every great accomplishment comes at a great cost. The key is to be alert and be on our toes like an agent in this detective thriller. One wrong move and we lose it.

In this thriller of a journey it is indeed a challenge to decipher the code that opens the wonders of the Heart. The discovery of the perfect “balance” is pending since ever. To achieve it we must hone our sense and sensibilities and let not our energies go waste for nothing. The balance is extremely delicate especially in our worldly existence, yet even so we can aim to strike it in the material planes of our daily lives as well, all the while steering the wheel of heart to find the inner perfection.

A person may have accomplished great materialistic heights but is naught compared to a layman who has achieved in identifying the “subtle line” which is the only thing to make one’s life truly successful.

This topic is ever complex, rudimentary yet ironically inexplicable, debatable and unclear. It sets out to give clarity but wakes many a question in its stride. This is endless and will keep on going leaving us all in tangles. Therefore I leave you all here in the hope that you understand the non-understandable. Readers it is unto you now to analyse the text and discover the truth eternal within its folds.

Edited by — Shruti Kunhiraman




Written by Simran

Professional Designer, “Heartfulness Meditation” Practitioner, Interested to help & serve.

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